Sí Pathway

IAQs | Matric Equivalence

Why is Sí Relevant?

The traditional schooling system, designed over a century ago during the industrial era, no longer meets the needs of today’s information age. Children now require different skills to succeed, yet many schools still employ outdated, passive learning methods that offer little choice or freedom to students.

Education reform should focus on empowering children with options in how they are taught and assessed, creating a learning system tailored to the needs of the 21st century. 

How does Sí work?

The Sí Pathway offers a modern, flexible approach to education, integrating theoretical knowledge with practical skills through our International Access Qualifications (IAQs). These qualifications are fully accredited by the Awards for Training and Higher Education (ATHE) and ETA, with ATHE recognised by OFQUAL (The Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation). This accreditation ensures that Sí courses are widely accepted by UK and international universities as pathways to further education. 

Our blended learning model combines online and on-campus experiences, allowing students to start courses at any time of the year and progress at their own pace. This approach provides real-world experience alongside academic learning. 

International Access Qualifications

Accredited Programmes

Sí offers a range of pathways, including: 

  • Business and Management 
  • Computing 
  • Sport and Fitness 
  • Hospitality and Tourism 
  • Psychology

By completing Sí Pathways, students are well-equipped to continue their studies, enter the workforce, or start their own business, ensuring they are prepared for future success. 

University Opportunities

qualifications provide transferable, stackable credits that can be used for Recognising Prior Learning (RPL) when applying to higher education institutions. This increases progression opportunities for our students. Partner universities include: 

  • Bangor University 
  • University of Westminster 
  • Anglia Ruskin University 
  • Birmingham City University 
  • Arden University 
  • SACAP (The South African College of Applied Psychology) 
  • Leeds Trinity University 
  • University of Bolton 
  • IIE Vega 
  • University of Bedfordshire 
  • University of Sunderland 
  • University of Gloucestershire 
  • Ulster University 
  • Solent University, Southampton 
  • University of Portsmouth 
  • Glyndwr University 
  • Griffith College 
  • Crandall University 

Junior To Giant Programme

The 3-month programme creates a framework to address the gaps in education so that students leave having had first-hand practical experience in different professions. Students apply and interview for a placement on the programme which includes enrichment workshops, masterclasses, meetings as well as working in different areas of the organisation and or stakeholder opportunities. This done whilst under the guidance and mentorship of professionals and mentors. 

This is a full-time programme and interns are based at The Bridge, Sandown Business Square; a co-shared office space that simulates a working environment in which the interns can apply themselves.  

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Tel: +27 (0)21 205 5922
Email: info@generationschools.co.za